O&M Banner

Orientation & Mobility

The Orientation and Mobility (O&M) Program provides comprehensive instruction and training for all students who are blind or visually impaired, including students who are deaf-blind. The ultimate goal of instruction in this critical area is for all students to develop the skills, knowledge, techniques, and confidence to lead to safe, independent, and successful lives.

Some basic examples of skills taught in this expanded core curriculum area are:

  • Sensory Development

    • Motor Development

    • Concept Development

    • Environmental Awareness

    • Community Awareness

    • Communication Skills

  • Assistive Technology

    • Cane Skills and Protective Techniques

    • Advocacy Skills

    • Independent Travel Skills

    • Use of Low Vision Devices

O&M Specialists

Jennifer Enache

Jennifer Enache, M.S.Ed.

Phone: 904-827-2458
Office Location: Gibbs Hall 114

Email Ms. Enache

Marco De Santiago-Alvarez

Marco De Santiago-Alvarez, M.S.

Phone: 904-827- 2821
Office Location:  Gibbs Hall 110

Email Mr. De Santiago-Alvarez

Cristina Sapp

Cristina Sapp, M.A., M.S.

Phone: 904-827-2766
Office Location: Gibbs Hall 112

Email Ms. Sapp


O&M with ELC and 1st Grader Students

Early Learning Center and 1st-grade students demonstrate how white cane techniques provide personal protection and navigational efficiency in various environments and situations.

Grocery Shopping

FSDB O&M Specialist Cristina Sapp and Blind Middle School student Jessie venture to a Publix grocery store searching for candy. Jessie displays independence skills in communication, retail orientation and mobility, and money management.

Tracking Buddy Cars

Follow along with FSDB Cristina Sapp, O&M Specialist, as she walks and talks with student Daniel about using the Buddy Car method to cross a street safely. Additional navigational techniques are observed as the two cross a larger street.

Tactile Mapping

Cristina Sapp, FSDB O&M Specialist, talks with student Elijah about using a Tactile Map to learn the route they take. Elijah explains the elements of the map. Additional navigational techniques are observed along their way

Using a Monocular Optical Device

Jenny Enache, FSDB O&M Specialist, walks and talks with student Jayden about using his Monocular Optical Device to find important details in a neighborhood near the school.

Mental Mapping and All Quiet, All Clear

Cristina Sapp, FSDB O&M Specialist, and Blind Middle School student Jessie venture to a Publix grocery store in search of candy. Jessie displays independence skills related to communication, retail orientation and mobility, and money management.

Mental Mapping

Jenny Enache, FSDB O&M Specialist, walks and talks with student Arabella about the Mental Mapping skills Arabella uses to navigate around a neighborhood near the school.
