Phone: 904-827-2468
Office Location: Bryant 104

O&M with ELC and 1st Grader Students
Early Learning Center and 1st-grade students demonstrate how white cane techniques provide personal protection and navigational efficiency in various environments and situations.
Grocery Shopping
FSDB O&M Specialist Cristina Sapp and Blind Middle School student Jessie venture to a Publix grocery store searching for candy. Jessie displays independence skills in communication, retail orientation and mobility, and money management.
Tracking Buddy Cars
Follow along with FSDB Cristina Sapp, O&M Specialist, as she walks and talks with student Daniel about using the Buddy Car method to cross a street safely. Additional navigational techniques are observed as the two cross a larger street.
Tactile Mapping
Cristina Sapp, FSDB O&M Specialist, talks with student Elijah about using a Tactile Map to learn the route they take. Elijah explains the elements of the map. Additional navigational techniques are observed along their way
Using a Monocular Optical Device
Jenny Enache, FSDB O&M Specialist, walks and talks with student Jayden about using his Monocular Optical Device to find important details in a neighborhood near the school.
Mental Mapping and All Quiet, All Clear
Cristina Sapp, FSDB O&M Specialist, and Blind Middle School student Jessie venture to a Publix grocery store in search of candy. Jessie displays independence skills related to communication, retail orientation and mobility, and money management.
Mental Mapping
Jenny Enache, FSDB O&M Specialist, walks and talks with student Arabella about the Mental Mapping skills Arabella uses to navigate around a neighborhood near the school.