About the President
Tracie C. Snow is the 19th president of the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind (FSDB).
With over 25 years of experience working with deaf/hard of hearing, blind/visually impaired and deafblind students, Snow provides innovative, inspirational and visionary leadership with extensive experience in strategic planning, workforce development, cross-departmental collaboration and stakeholder relations.
FSDB didn’t just change my life—it gave me the chance to help others find their place in the world. It is more than a school; it is a home, a lifeline, and a place where lives are transformed.
NICOL LOBACZEWSKI | Instructional Assistant
FSDB Deaf High School

One of Niklas' favorite memories is enjoying the beach with his family. While his younger five siblings play in the water, he sits back and takes it all in: the beautiful smell of the ocean, the feeling of sand under his toes, the sounds of seagulls flying overhead, and the waves crashing onto the shore. Though he cannot see, Niklas has never lost his resolve or enjoyment of this sighted world.

Sarah attended FSDB from kindergarten through 12th grade. In high school, she took Culinary Arts as an elective. She wanted to be a culinary chef. In class, she learned about food prep, food science, and cooking techniques. She also discovered what she really loved: baking.
Sarah Emanuel, Class of 2016
Owner, Deafinitely Delicious


PE & Health


Performing Arts

Campus Work Program