VIISA Trainings
VIISA 3-5 is a five-day training program held over two weekends. It is specifically designed to provide in-service training for early intervention and early childhood professionals who work with young children, ages three to five, who have blindness or visual impairments.
Upcoming Training Dates
March 14 -15, 2025 & May 16-18, 2005
Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind, 207 San Marco Ave., FL 32084
About the Course
This course is available for professionals with a bachelor’s degree or higher in varying exceptionalities, visual disabilities, special education, OT, PT, SLP or in a related field of study as well as the Department of Education (DOE) and Department of Health (DOH) employees, school district staff, and University affiliates. Early Interventionists (ITDS), and Division of Blind Service Children’s Counselors who are working with young children in natural environments. You do not need a background in visual impairments to take this course.
Topics Covered
Understanding Visual Impairments and Effect on Learning
Medical Aspects and Implications
Eye Specialists and Eye Reports, Functional
Vision Assessments
Encouraging the Use of Functional Vision
Partnering with and Understanding Families
(systems, culture, grief, communication)
Attachment, Communication, and Social Skill Development
Active Learning
Motor and Orientation and Mobility
Use of Touch and Hearing
Interaction with Objects, Play, Cognition
Pre-maturity and Other Vulnerable Infants
Child Assessment
Transition from Home to Pre-School
Practicum with Child and Family
Summary and Course Evaluation
Deadline with Payment: Must be received by February 24, 2025.
Cost: The fee for VIISA training is $300.00. This covers all handouts and training materials (except manuals). Please make checks or POs payable to FSDB. Participants are also required to have the VIISA Curriculum Manual which can be ordered through HOPE Publications, Inc. 435-245-2888 or www.hopepubl.com. The cost is $150.00 per manual set (2 volumes) plus 10% shipping and handling.
VIISA B-3 is a five-day training program held over two weekends. It is specifically designed to provide in-service training for early intervention and early childhood professionals who work with young children, ages birth to three, who have blindness or visual impairments.
Upcoming Training Dates
March 13 -14, 2026 & May 15-17, 2006
Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind, 207 San Marco Ave., FL 32084
About the Course
This course is available to early interventionists with a Bachelor’s degree in Varying Exceptionalities, Vision, Special Education, Early Childhood, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language, Deaf Education or in a related field of study.
Topics Covered
Understanding Visual Impairments and
Effect on Learning
Medical Aspects and Implications
Eye Specialists and Eye Reports
Functional Vision Assessments
Encouraging the Use of Functional Vision
Active Learning
Service Delivery in Florida
Use of Touch and Hearing
Interaction with Objects, Play, Cognition
Pre-maturity and Other Vulnerable Infants
Child Assessment
Deadline with Payment: Must be received by February 16, 2026.
Cost: The fee for VIISA training is $300.00. This covers all handouts and training materials (except manuals). Please make checks or POs payable to FSDB. Participants are also required to have the VIISA Curriculum Manual which can be ordered through HOPE Publications, Inc. 435-245-2888 or www.hopepubl.com. The cost is $150.00 per manual set (2 volumes) plus 10% shipping and handling