Administrator of Allied Health Services
PH: 904-827-2635

Dining Services
The FSDB Culinary Services Department provides quality, nutritious meals to students free of charge. We operate three kitchens and three dining rooms serving students and staff members approximately 1,400 meals each day, prepared mostly from scratch.
Student Menus
February 2025
Printable Calendars
Accessible Calendars
What We Do
Operate three kitchens and three dining rooms serving students and staff members approximately 1,400 meals each day, prepared mostly from scratch
Provide a student work-training program in the Dragon’s Lair, a campus retail food operation, as well as in the main kitchens, teaching basic skills needed for employment in the hospitality/food service industry
Provide support to the FSDB Culinary Training program
Collaborate with Dragon Flowers on student “Farm to School” learning experiences
Plan menus that meet dietary guidelines required by the Federal government
Serve modified diets upon medical order, as prescribed by physicians
Accommodate religious diets to the extent feasibly possible
Cater special events for students, staff members, and guests
Counsel and educate students in nutrition
Promote healthy eating practices
Wellness Policy
FSDB is committed to providing a school environment that enhances learning and the development of lifelong wellness practices. To accomplish these goals, FSDB established a Wellness Committee, which includes parents/ legal guardians and staff representatives from Food Services, Physical Education, Academics, Boarding Program, Administration, and the Board of Trustees. The group meets regularly and discusses student health and well-being goals, including state guidelines for nutrition education, physical activity and other school-based activities, eating environments on campus, and food safety and security. Input from other parents/legal guardians regarding the Wellness Policy is welcome. To communicate with the Wellness Committee, send an email to
Free and Reduced Price Program
FSDB offers free, healthy meals each school day. With parental assistance, FSDB may qualify for government reimbursement for some of the cost of providing a child’s meals. Parents can help increase the funding FSDB receives for the benefit of their child/children.
Angel Arizaga
Orly Borzutzky
Staff Assistant
PH: 904-827-2391
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