Grants Coordinator
PH: 904-827-2284

Federal Grants
The federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) has a number of grants designed for educational purposes. FSDB receives funds from the following sources:
ESSA Title I Part A funds are intended to close the achievement gap for low income “underserved” students. FSDB uses the “school wide” model so any student within a Title I school is eligible for this program. Grant funds help us to provide:
Student Enrichment, such as the recent purchase of iPads and iPad applications and accessories for supplementary academic purposes.
Professional Development for instructional staff members, such as Summer Institute training opportunities to keep abreast of recent curricular or topical issues and changes (e.g., the new Florida Standards).
Parent Involvement, such as reimbursement monies for parent travel to campus for capacity-building activities (e.g., Parent Engagement Workshops and parent classes in American Sign Language or braille).
New clothing and shoes as well as personal books for academic enrichment for our campus homeless students.
ESSA Title II Part A funds are devoted to ensuring that teachers, principals, assistant principals, and instructional assistants have the highest quality of training and credentials possible. When necessary, funds can also be used to recruit. Typically, Title II funds also provide training stipends and conference travel.
ESSA Title IV Part A funds provide students with access to a well-rounded education and improve the use of technology to advance student digital literacy skills. Title IV funds also provide quality professional development opportunities on these topics for FSDB staff members.
The federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) provides funds to benefit students with sensory disabilities. IDEA funds provide many vital services such as 11 full-time staff positions; part-time positions such as braille transcriptionists; travel for staff to attend relevant conferences/workshops; funds for parent development classes and the Parent Resource Library; curriculum teams that align school curriculum with state standards; and campus tutors to provide academic help for struggling students.
For questions about ESSA Title I Part A or IDEA, contact:
Christi Boortz
For questions about ESSA Title II Part A or ESSA Title IV Part A, contact:
Scott Trejbal
Administrator of Instructional Services
PH: 904-827-2542