Early Intervention for Deaf/HH
FSDB provides a statewide early intervention program as an outreach initiative for families of children with hearing concerns.
Families are paired with a certified Parent Advisor who has received specialized training in working with families who have infants and young children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Through regular home visits, the Parent Advisor addresses family concerns and helps to determine goals and priorities.
This program focuses on language development, communication options, understanding hearing aids/cochlear implants, child development, and transitioning into a school system. The program uses the internationally known SKI-HI curriculum, which supports families by offering unbiased information. Project INSITE curriculum meets the needs of young children with vision impairments and multiple disabilities (including hearing loss) and their families by providing strategies to foster their development
Together families, caregivers, and parent advisors share information, discuss ideas and adaptations, and monitor the child’s progress. This program enhances the family’s ability to assist their child in becoming a participating family member and a part of the larger community.
We respect and support any communication methods that work for the child and family.
We focus on language development, communication options, understanding hearing aids/cochlear implants, child development, and transitioning into a school system.