Director of Purchasing
PH: 904-827-2356

The FSDB Purchasing Department oversees purchasing, property, surplus disposition, competitive solicitations, and contracts. Our team is dedicated to providing professional and efficient procurement services that support the mission of the School.
My Florida Marketplace Registration
All Contractors doing business with the State of Florida for the sale of commodities or contractual services as defined in §287.012, Florida Statutes are required to have on file a Substitute W-9 and be registered (online) with the My Florida Marketplace (MFMP) E-procurement system, in compliance with Rule 60A-1.030, Florida Administrative Code, unless exempt under Rule 60A-1.031, Florida Administrative Code.
Registration with MFMP can easily be completed by visiting the MFMP website. For additional information or questions, contact:
MFMP Customer Service Help Desk
PH: 1-866-FLA-EPRO (1-866-352-3776)
Submitting a Substitute Form W-9 is a two-step process. First, visit: State of Florida Vendor Portal and Register, then go back and complete Step 2.
As an agency of the State of Florida, FSDB promulgates Competitive Solicitations for certain goods and services in accordance with Chapter 287 of the Florida Statues and other applicable laws, regulations, and rules and are strongly encouraged to carefully review all of the details of a solicitation and prepare responses according to the instructions.
FSDB will also advertise ongoing Competitive Solicitations in the Florida Administrative Register (FAR), the Vendor Information Portal (VIP), and in local newspapers, as required by Florida Statute. All respondents are responsible for being aware of the contents of a solicitation and the existence of addendums such as procedural clarifications/corrections, updated schedule of events and deadlines, question and answer submissions, and any other public notifications related to the solicitation.
Certified Minority Business Enterprises (CMBEs) are encouraged to participate in the bidding process.
For contracts and solicitations, contact:
Kim Whitwam
Jessica Lunsford Act / Background Checks
When a vendor is approved or contracted to perform work on the FSDB campus, they are first required to undergo a background check and obtain valid uniform statewide contractor’s identification badge in accordance with §1012.467, FS, which requires that while on the campus, the Contractor’s employees, subcontractors, and staff shall at all times wear the badge so as to be visible on their person. If a vendor is in need of a badge, information on how to obtain one can be obtained from the FSDB Purchasing Department.