Strategic Planning
As required by Section 1002.36 of the Florida Statutes, FSDB maintains a master plan adopted by the Board of Trustees, which specifies the mission and purpose of the school. This Strategic Plan is for a five-year period from 2022-2027. The continued and vital support of the Florida legislature has made these many years of exceptional student educational services possible. We also look to the Florida legislature to ensure that FSDB, as a significant state asset, is kept up-to-date, safe and sound.
Strategic Goals
The FSDB Strategic Plan 2022-2027 cycle identifies three priority goals of importance, with emphasis on strengthening internal and external stakeholder communications in support of these goals.
Strategic Priority 1: Employee Recruitment, Retention and Engagement
Priority Goal 1: FSDB will increase targeted recruitment activities to attract qualified applicants.
Priority Goal 2: FSDB will enhance campus-wide personnel development and succession planning.
Priority Goal 3: FSDB will enhance a sense of community through increased employee engagement.
Strategic Priority 2: Success for Students
Priority 2 Goal 1: FSDB will provide academic accountability to prepare students for post-secondary education.
Priority 2 Goal 2: FSDB will increase career readiness at all grade levels to prepare students with the skills and experiences necessary to enter the workforce.
Priority 2 Goal 3: FSDB will increase academic and boarding life-ready instruction to prepare students to be independent.
Strategic Priority 3: Everyone Knows Our Name
Priority 3 Goal 1: FSDB will provide targeted communication in order to inform and partner with external stakeholders to increase engagement with FSDB.
Priority 3 Goal 2: FSDB will utilize comprehensive and cohesive communication platforms to strategically share events, programs, and news to engage and inform to increase internal stakeholder satisfaction.
Priority 3 Goal 3: As a trusted resource and leader in educating students who are deaf/hard of hearing, blind/visually impaired, and deafblind, FSDB will increase positive engagements with local, state, and national partners.