Media Specialist/Librarian
PH: 904-827-2720

Libraries & Media Centers
The Lindheimer and Cary White Library & Media Centers are part of the total FSDB program. It is our mission to instill the love for reading in every student. To fulfill this mission, we analyze and update the materials in our collections with the most current resources for our students and staff members. We provide library media center collections that are based on reader interest, support of state academic standards and aligned curriculum, and the academic needs of students and staff members. We aim to provide top-notch service to those with academic needs as well as personal interests.

Cary White Library & Media Center
Located on the first floor of the Cary White Complex, the Cary White Library & Media Center primarily serves students in the Blind Schools. The collection of materials includes regular print, large-print, audio-books, and braille books. A variety of equipment is installed including multiple CCTVs, audio players, computers and braille writers, the library provides both informational and technological access for student needs. The library has a staff resource room as well as two classrooms, both equipped with audio-visual presentation monitors to allow for interactive lessons and presentations.
For more information, contact:
Joy Carriger
Lindheimer Library & Media Center
Located in the Walker Annex complex, the Lindheimer Library & Media Center primarily serves students in the Deaf Schools. We are proud to maintain a vast collection of books in a wide range of genres and subjects for students. We strive to include titles that even the most reluctant reader would want to check out! We also serve teachers and staff members responsible for on-campus programs by maintaining a large collection of K-12 teaching materials and classroom book sets. E-readers, cameras and other multimedia equipment are also available for sign-outs.
For more information, contact:
David Snow
Media Specialist/Librarian
VP: 904-201-4518
Having our collection readily available for our students, parents, and teachers is most important. Alexandria’s application offers an interactive search using a simple search tool. Explore what we have to offer by using the link below.
Dear Parent/Guardian/Adult Student
It is the goal of the FSDB Media Centers to provide students with information to meet or satisfy their educational and recreational requirements. We are able to achieve this through the purchase and organization of appropriate books, periodicals, newspapers, pamphlets, maps, sound and video recordings, and electronic media.
The FSDB Media Centers recognize the importance of materials to have contemporary significance and permanent value. We make a conscious effort to obtain materials that provide broad diverse viewpoints of view and subject matter. The basis for material selection is to:
Answer questions and stir up new ones
Elicit new interests
Offer creative inspiration and ideas
However, in building and maintaining such a collection, the library is sensitive to the responsibility you have in raising your children. We recognize that in the library, there may be certain materials containing topics or issues that you may personally view as questionable or have objections for your children to have access to. The content of said materials may include but is not limited to:
Political/Religious beliefs
Racial and cultural themes
Sexual and other mature themes
Health education
Offensive language
Controversial issues
Out of respect, any materials that we identify causing these potential concerns will be shelved separately from the rest of the regular library collection. These shelves will be marked “18+ only” or “for students 18+ years old or having parental permission.
If you feel that your child is mature and responsible to access this separate collection, please complete the Parental/Guardian Consent Form attached with this letter. Once it is completed and sent to the library, it will be inputted into the student user database indicating that s/he is cleared to use/check out these restricted materials selections.
Parents may utilize the Parental Choice Library Book Restriction Form to restrict titles their child may check out in the school library. Please complete the form and return it to your child’s teacher or librarian. This form is only required when a parent is seeking to restrict access to materials in the media center.
The following form may be used to object to Library and/or Non-Adopted Materials.
Challenged Materials
Library materials deemed by some persons to be objectionable may be considered by others to have sound educational value. Any concerned parent of a currently enrolled FSDB student may request reconsideration of school library media. When a complaint is made, the following procedure shall be followed:
Parent will notify the principal in writing the material in question and why the material is objectionable. The principal/assistant principal and parent shall discuss the matter informally explaining the selection procedures for library media materials. If the parent accepts the explanation given by the principal/assistant principal, the reconsideration process concludes. The principal/assistant principal and/or media specialist will explain the Media Parental Choice process.
If the explanation fails to resolve the objection, the principal will ask the parent initiating the challenge to file, within two weeks, a formal written objection by completing a "Library Materials Objection” form which must reflect that the parent has read the material in full. Failure to do so results in the conclusion of the reconsideration process.
Upon receipt of the completed form "Library Materials Objection," the principal shall forward copies to the appropriate personnel on the Committee Review Team. The Committee will have the following composition:
One educational media specialist
One academic specialist
One principal
One assistant principal
One district-level staff (Administrator of Instructional Services or Executive Director of Curriculum and Professional Development)
One teacher in the same grade band/content area of the challenged materials
One parent
The challenged material shall remain available for circulation during the reconsideration process, unless the President decides that the material should be removed from student use pending a final decision.
The challenged materials shall be read and re-evaluated by the committee, considering the specific objections raised. The committee shall forward a written recommendation to the President within forty-five (45) working days after receiving the complaint. If the committee is engaged in another formal challenge, the timeline will be adjusted accordingly.
The President shall, within 10 work days of receipt of the recommendation, make the final determination regarding the removal of the challenged material. The final determination will be sent in writing to the parent.
The decision of the President regarding the appropriateness of a particular Library Media material item will be considered final.
If a parent disagrees with the determination made by the President on the appropriateness of a particular Library Media material item, a parent may request the Commissioner of Education to appoint a special magistrate.