Positive Behavior (Interventions) Support
At FSDB, our goal is to create a safe and nurturing environment that is free from bullying and harassment, and we do this in collaboration with our school community. The FSDB Positive Behavior Support (PBS) program establishes campus-wide behavioral expectations—Being Cooperative, Being Responsible, and Being Respectful—with emphasis on modeling, teaching, reteaching, and reinforcing appropriate behaviors. The PBS framework and philosophy establishes a common language and provides tiered support as needed at varying levels of academic, social, emotional, and behavioral functioning. Recognizing positive behavior often and consistently is key to the success of our PBS program.
Watch the Video Below to Learn More About Our Program
About the Program
PBS begins with the philosophy that positive behavior must be supported consistently for appropriate behavior to increase. The PBS approach establishes school wide behavioral expectations that are infused into all areas of the campus. These expectations are Cooperation, Respect, and Responsibility. The approach emphasizes modeling, teaching, re-teaching, and reinforcing appropriate behaviors related to these expectations. Additionally, the PBS approach addresses problem behavior in meaningful ways.
FSDB makes use of PBS expectations and strategies throughout the school campus—in classrooms, in the dormitories, on buses, during physical education and recreation activities, in cafeterias, and in many other common areas.
FSDB coordinates PBS educational kick-off activities, mid-year events, and community service projects where students learn about the school’s expectations of Being Cooperative, Being Respectful, and Being Responsible.
FSDB through PBS provides educational training sessions on topics that include stress management, selfharm prevention, diversity, kindness and compassion (bullying behavior prevention), teen dating violence prevention, and building healthy relationships.
FSDB supports PBS campus-wide activities such as PBS Unity Day which is an annual event that emphasizes being united against bullying behavior – united for kindness, acceptance, inclusion, and respect. FSDB also supports annual PBS teambuilding and celebratory events such as the Annual Student, Staff and Stakeholder Appreciation Ice Cream Social as well as the Annual Holiday Spirit Mentoring Activities: Creating Gingerbread Houses, Decorating Holiday Cookies, and Making Holiday Crafts.
PBS begins with the philosophy that positive behavior must be supported consistently for appropriate behavior to increase. The PBS approach establishes school wide behavioral expectations that are infused into all areas of the campus. These expectations are Cooperation, Respect, and Responsibility. The approach emphasizes modeling, teaching, re-teaching, and reinforcing appropriate behaviors related to these expectations. Additionally, the PBS approach addresses problem behavior in meaningful ways.
End of the Year Summary
State and National PBS Related Links
Bullying Prevention Links
FSDB received a National Exemplary Program Award for Outstanding Anti-Bullying Efforts and Commitment to Keeping Students Safe at the February 2012 National Conference on Bullying in Orlando, Florida.